Court on Monday…we hope…

There was great hope that we would have court on short notice today but no go.

There is no court on Fridays.

The last word today was that we will have court late in the day on Monday.

~ From this Bench the Judge will Decide ~

We are all anxious to have this behind us.  We and the children need to know for sure that this adoption will be granted so we can begin the real bonding and preparation for going home.  We’ve been a little cautious in that area because until the judge says it is so, it may not be.

After the court date there is a 10 day waiting period for any government officials or biological family who has rights to protest the adoption.  The three siblings have no family so that should not be a problem, but again, it is not definite until the court decree is issued on that 11th day after court.

We look forward to our visits to the orphanage each day.  We have a ball playing UNO, taking a walk in the nearby park and watching them play outside.  We enjoy all the kids, they are alot of fun and really well behaved.  If anyone feels God leading them to follow this call, we would love to send you photos and info on some of the most precious kids who dream of a family of their very own.

Thank you for your prayers and support, we love you all!

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2 Responses to Court on Monday…we hope…

  1. sally says:

    Where’d that picture come from? it looks like the exact court room we were in! Praying, praying, praying!! I woke up at 2:30am this morning and prayed then too, just in case. 🙂

    • Us says:

      We filed the petition for court in the very room it will be held…and I snapped a photo to have to pray.
      Cool to know you’ve been there too!!

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